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Fun Educational Toys : Shape Sorting Cupcakes

This is a sponsored post.  As with all the products I blog about, I use them personally and opinions are my own, I was not influenced in any way by the compensation I received.

Carly Jo is fixing to turn 2. In my mind this the fun stage. Their mind wants to soak up and information that you are willing to provide them. I am always looking out for new educational toys. One of my favorite site to find them on is Learning Resources. Recently I had a chance to review Shape Sorting Cupcakes by Learning Resources.

educational toys

About Shape Sorting Cupcakes: 

A delicious way to encourage shape and color identification and build fine motor skills! These 8 two-part cupcakes pull apart to reveal a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, hexagon, star and heart. Match the shapes to put them back together. Then match the shape to the pan bottom.

educational toys

My Thoughts: 

Carly Jo loves her cupcake shape sorter. The cupcakes are made of a rubber like texture. I think in many ways that makes it a little easier for to mess with. This toy is perfect for teaching her not only shapes but colors. Several times I will ask her where is the blue square and she will find it. Then we will locate the square in the pan to put the cupcake up. This way I know she not only knows her colors but also knows her shapes. Granted the only ones that she has figured is the square and circle, but hey she’s only 2 and not even for another month. Overall I am pretty pleased with it. It’s educational, sturdy, and fun for her!

Enter for your chance to win your little one a Shape Sorting Cupcake bellow! 

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21 thoughts on “Fun Educational Toys : Shape Sorting Cupcakes

  1. The grandkids have a toy cash register that does a great job teaching math and money. Also the Seek n Say is a classic.

  2. a flannel board we had with letters numbers and a map the kids loved to play with

  3. I like using books and puzzles with my grandchildren. If its fun they don’t realize they are learning.

  4. Books, we love books of all kinds – so much to learn and the kids like to hear the stories and look at the pictures.

  5. Puzzles are one of my favorite educational toys, I like the learning resourse’s USA Foam Map Puzzle

  6. i think many toys can be ‘educational’… for my kids, water play is fun and educational

  7. my favorite educational toy right now is Alphie the robot. but with four kids and twenty years of parenting, I have found many great educational toys.

  8. One of my favorite educational toys is our flannel board and flannel sets that teach many things and let’s them use their imagination.

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