Parenting Tips/Advice

Feeling a bit overwhelmed….

I am beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed right now. If you know me, you know I can’t stand clutter. I hate stepping over things. I hate kicking things. It just drives me nuts!! Now imagine me trying to unpack a house with three little ones trying to help. It seems like every time I get something unpack and put up no more than ten minutes later I am picking up the same stuff and putting it up again. It’s never-ending. I have been working on the kitchen for three days now.

On top of unpacking I am also trying to get everything business like taken care. Finding new doctors, new activities for the little ones, getting school stuff set up, and so on. You don’t realize what all it takes to get your lives running pretty smooth until you shake it up by moving. I have plans to NEVER EVER move again. Well that’s a lie. Hopefully in about five years we will move again to our own house that we are buying. With that being said…I want this to be the last house we ever live in that we are renting. A lady can have dreams can’t I?

On top of all the stress with moving and setting my family up I found out that my Grandma who I was extremely close to when I was younger passed away. Granted for certain reasons I haven’t talked to her in almost two years, but it still hit me hard at first. I can describe to you how close I was with her. In fact I was always called “little Ramona”. Β  Yesterday when I was unpacking I found a lady bug on my kitchen floor. My grandma LOVED lady bugs. I know it may seem odd but in a way I felt like she was there watching over me. I know we didn’t talk when she passed away, but I still cared and loved her. I know she knows I am thinking of her and will miss her!

Sometimes I question myself if things will ever get back to normal. I suppose one day it will, but for now I will have to take it one day at a time. Either that or I can lock my kids in their room so I can get stuff done…hmmmm…

3 thoughts on “Feeling a bit overwhelmed….

  1. Seems like we have a lot in common. I said the same thing to my husband a few weeks ago. I’m tired of renting and I’m tired of moving around but because of my job I have no choice. I really would like to get my own home and I’m sure the money I’m paying for rent might just cover my mortgage. Things will eventually get back to normal for you and I’m sure your grandma is looking down on you from above. My mother used to tell me Ladybugs brought good luck so maybe something good is heading your way. Have a fab weekend!

  2. Moving is so stressful, I can’t imagine how hard it is with a couple of kids! You will get things how you like them soon! I hope you don’t have to move again anytime soon πŸ™‚

  3. We move about every 3 years so I know what an upset it can be. Consider this the beginning of a new adventure but don’t stress yourself out too much about everything being put in it’s place. It will all happen – eventually. πŸ™‚

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