Dot Journaling—A Practical Guide
I have never been able to get and stay organized, I would start so many lists and then it would get lost. Then I tried the Dot Journaling—A Practical Guide by Rachel Wilkerson Miller and immediately fell in love with it. This post is a sponsored post, but all opinions, stories, and my experience are all personal and true (like always)!
What the heck is a dot journal? It’s a planner, to-do list, and diary for every aspect of your life: work, home, relationships, hobbies, everything.
Early adopter Rachel Wilkerson Miller explains how to make a dot journal work for you—whether you find the picture-perfect examples on Pinterest inspiring or, well, intimidating. You decide how simple or elaborate your journal will be, and what goes in there:
- Lists of your to-dos, to-don’ts, and more
- Symbols that will make those lists efficient and effective
- Spreads to plan your day, week, month, or year
- Trackers for your habits and goals (think health, money, travel)
- Accoutrements such as washi tape, book darts, and more!
My Thoughts:
This book comes with a how to guide for getting organized. It helps you with making to do lists, plan your days weeks or even the entire year out and has a tracker to help you with your goals. Then there are also pages for you to journal. It has been really helpful with planning our move. It was nice to use this to make a to do list for packing and staying organized on our long drive. Now I use it for staying organized for when school starts and also using it for helping with my weight loss. I love that I can set goals and use the tracker to help me keep on track with my healthy habits such as exercising and working on eating healthier. If you are looking for something to help keep your life a little more organized then look no further and give this book and dot journalling a try.
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My world is hectic, this would be good to have.
I’ve read a little about bullet journaling and am ready to try it!
I’m self-employed and run my own business – with lots of side-gigs…I definitely need all the organization i can get my hands on!
My son has a heart transplant we have so many Dr’s appointments and I have to keep track of his insulin for his Type 1 Diabetes too
This would help me to be more organized.
It would be great to have an organized life. I am a person that likes everything orderly and organized but I fail miserably trying t
I would love to get better about my planners!
Why do you need this?
I need this because if anyone needs to get their life together it is me.
I need this as I admit I am far too disorganized.
Because between work and my daughter’s senior year with scholarship apps and college apps, I need to be at my best organized self.
I need help with planning and organization
I’m looking to get more organized.
I need this because my life is a mess!
I need to get organized this would help me
Really need help getting my life together
part time student and full time nurse. Busy busy!
Trying to get organized and stay organized is one of my top 10 goals. This journal looks like a way to make that happen and to maintain order in my household.
I have been very disorganized lately and really don’t know where to start getting it all back together. I think this planner would really help me find that starting point by helping me to organize my thoughts.
Really need it right now will be appreciated alot
Because I love being organized!
My life is so busy, this would be great to organize