Disney On Ice – Let’s Celebrate
Sponsored Post by Feld Entertainment. (All opinions are my own!)
You probably noticed that I was a little quite this past week. That’s because we decided to take a little break and go on a mini vacation to Kansas City. It’s really not that far for us, but it’s full of fun stuff to do. Especially last week. We were lucky enough to get to see Disney on Ice Let’s Celebrate show! The kids had no clue where we were going. In fact they thought we were going to do something that was mainly for adults.
First thing first. They had to get ready.
Now that we were dress and ready it was time to hit the road. We were attending opening night, so we wanted to make sure and leave in plenty of time to get there and not be late considering the traffic and the crowd. I was really impressed with how organized everything was. We went from parking to our seats in about ten minutes! Good thing seeing how on the way there we hit a little snag and Zoey O got a little car sick. However she didn’t let that stop her fun!!

When we got there Bryson informed me that I lied and this was for kids. This was our first Disney on Ice experience and I can honestly say it won’t be our last. All five of us LOVED it. The show lasted about two hours (including a little break in the middle). It covered all the common holidays and reasons to celebrate. They did great with keeping everyone’s attention and including the children (and adults) in the show. Seeing how Zoey O loves all things that have to do with Disney Princesses and Carly Jo loves her Mickey and Minnie I knew without a doubt they would loved it. Bryson I knew he would think it was neat and would like it, but I didn’t think he would like it as much as the girls. I was wrong. He went NUTS when Buzz and Woody came out on the ice. I am pretty sure he could be heard over the crowd screaming “BUZZ and WOODY!! LOOK!!!.” As far as the girls were concerned it was a win. I asked Carly Jo what she liked and her response was “Minnie shaking her booty!” Only my two-year old would say that! When I asked Zoey she responded “The heart part and seeing all the princesses.”
As far as I am concerned it was all great! Although I really liked the magic brooms part. I thought it looked really cool. But honestly my favorite part was seeing the smiles on all of my kids face. Nothing will ever beat that! This was truly a priceless event. If you want to experience the fun just visit Disney on Ice site and find the nearest show to you!