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DELIVERY MAN on Blu-ray 3/25

Disclosure: I received a Free product for review. My opinions are 100%


Delivers on Blu-ray™, DVD, Digital and On-Demand on March 25, 2014

Film Synopsis:              

In this heartwarming comedy, underachiever David Wozniak (Vince Vaughn) learns he’s actually an overachiever — he’s fathered 533 children via donations made twenty years earlier! David soon discovers that the shock of his life might just be the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Along the way he discovers not only his true self, but also the father he could become. Also starring Chris Pratt and Cobie Smulders — and complete with bonus materials, including behind-the-scenes footage — it’s a feel-good movie that really delivers.


Vince Vaughn (Wedding Crashers, Couples Retreat) as David Wozniack; Cobie Smulders (Marvel’s The Avengers, TV’s “How I Met Your Mother”) as Emma, David’s Girlfriend & Chris Pratt (Moneyball, The Five-Year Engagement) as Brett, David’s Best Friend

Executive Producer: Scott Mednick (300, We Are Marshall, Superman Returns)

Director & Writer: Ken Scott (Starbuck)

Release Dates: March 25, 2014 (Direct Prebook: 1/28; Distributor Prebook: 2/11)

Available Formats: 1-Disc Blu-ray, 1-Disc DVD, Digital HD/SD & On-Demand

Bonus Features:   

Building Family (Blu-ray & Digital)

Vince Vaughn: Off The Cuff (Blu-ray & Digital)

“I Got The Part” (Blu-ray & Digital)

Bloopers (Blu-ray, DVD & Digital)

Deleted Scene: You Are Under Arrest (Blu-ray, DVD & Digital)

My Thoughts:

I love this movie! I couldn’t wait for the kids to go to bed so I could cuddle up with my hubby to watch it. I am all about movies that have a very important meaning behind them. This one is all about the meaning of being a dad. It’s not always biological or blood. Sometimes you are just placed in the role of being a dad. All it takes is a little love, just being there, and doing the right thing no matter how scary it is.   That’s exactly what he does in this movie. He takes the long way about but in the end he does the right thing. Let’s face it having 533 kids is scary. Well having three scares me sometimes. Being a parent is a learning process and the best thing you can do is take it one day at a time. 

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