Healthy Living

Change of Scenery: 6 Tips for Making a Fresh Start in a New City

Image: Pedro Lastra / Unsplash

So, you’re moving to a new city – how exciting! But it’s a little bit daunting too, isn’t it? Don’t worry – we have you covered. To help you settle into your new surroundings just fine, here are six simple tips to make your new city feel like home: 

  1. Make Your New Space Your Own

Your new home will be your new safe sanctuary, especially during this period of transition. Whether you splash some of your favorite colors on the walls, add some beautiful new art, or even create a scentscape for your new place, you should make it your own so you have a place of comfort to retreat to when this move gets too much. Working with a local residential builder or interior designer can also help if your new house needs a more significant upgrade to feel right for you. 

  1. Explore As Though You Are A Tourist

Explore your new area as though you’re there on holiday. Social scientists claim that exploring new environments can help us to feel better and improve our resilience. So get to know local parks, museums, parks, and cafés. It will help you make new memories and start to make this city your own. 

  1. Stick To A Routine

Researchers have long-since demonstrated that there are multiple psychological benefits to routine. When you move to a city, those benefits are even more important because you’ll be feeling a little out of place and more vulnerable to potentially challenging feelings. So go grab a coffee first thing every morning, join a local gym, walk new routes repeatedly so they become familiar – these new patterns will contribute to you feeling more grounded and secure over time. 

  1. Say Yes To New Connections

Making friends in a new city can feel incredibly challenging, but it is essential that you make the effort to gain those new connections. Loneliness is so bad for us, and can even lead to a higher risk of heart disease and other serious health issues

By contrast, friends in a new city can help us to feel less lonely. These connections may also lead to new opportunities and the ability to be more connected to your new surroundings. While you still have to be vigilant and trust your instincts when meeting new people, it is true that every stranger is a potential friend.

  1. Lean Into The Local Vibe

Every city has its own flavor. Cities like Portland and Melbourne are known for being more quirky, whereas New York and London are more fast-paced. Pay attention to local culture, slang, dress-code, and overall feel. Knowing the local vibe will help you adapt faster and feel like an insider rather than a newbie. 

  1. Give Yourself Time

Moving house is known to be one of the most stressful life events we can go through. You won’t get over that stress within a few days – it will take time. The most important thing you can do is to give yourself that time. Celebrate small wins, like remembering street names, getting the last box unpacked, or finally emptying your self-storage unit. Over time, those wins will add up, and the big city will start to feel like your big city. 

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Moving to a new city is really difficult, and it’s important that you give yourself plenty of time, grace, and kindness as you go through this challenging life event. Get to know new people, new areas, and maintain a routine – soon enough things will become easier, and you will no longer be surviving in this new city – you’ll be thriving. 

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