5 Expert Tips for Breastfeeding Premature Twins
Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash
Many breastfeeding experts online and in-person often hear familiar stories from women who aren’t supported in their quest to breastfeed their preterm babies.
Instead of encouraging these women to provide breast milk for their little ones, many doctors and healthcare practitioners try to convince them the safer option is formula, especially when dealing with twins who are preemies.
Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.
Despite what you may have heard, breastfeeding premature twins isn’t impossible. In fact, studies have shown there are impressive benefits that come from nursing twins who were born early.
So, before you let a doctor or nurse convince you that breast milk isn’t a good option for your babies, why not give these trusted tips a try to create a successful nursing relationship?
What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding Premature Twins?
Many healthcare providers tout formula for preemies because it helps them gain weight more quickly. Weight gain aside, however, formula doesn’t provide the same benefits as breast milk that preterm babies need.
For instance, did you know that breast milk is easier for babies to digest than formula? It also causes much less vomiting and diarrhea.
By exclusively breastfeeding twins, they’ll also receive additional benefits, such as:
- Immune-boosting nutrients and antioxidants
- Reduced risk of asthma, allergies, ear infections, etc.
- Improved brain development
- Better teething experience
5 Tips to Successfully Nurse Twins Who Arrive Early
As you can see, there are a plethora of reasons you should at least consider breastfeeding premature twins. Unfortunately, many moms don’t understand how to successfully establish a solid nursing relationship when they’re dealing with preemies and the NICU.
If you want the best chance of success, follow these five tips for feeding premature babies.
- Try to Avoid Formula for Preemies
When it comes to preterm babies, especially ones experiencing breastfeeding challenges, it’s not uncommon for doctors to begin pushing formula use.
Keep in mind, however, that you are your children’s advocate.
Aside from faster weight gain, formula doesn’t provide the incredible benefits your babies receive from breast milk. If you feel confident you want to figure out how to breastfeed twins, don’t let anyone convince you it’s not a good option for your babies.
- Practice Kangaroo Care
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash
After any delivery, skin-to-skin contact (SSC), also known as kangaroo care, provides extraordinary benefits to mother and baby. Just because your little ones are in the NICU doesn’t mean they can’t benefit from this experience.
After your babies have received the okay to practice kangaroo care, it’s a great way to enhance your breastfeeding experience.
Not only does kangaroo care help encourage milk to come in, but it also tells your body what types of nutrients your little ones require from your milk.
- Create a Good Pumping Schedule
If your twins arrive before 34 weeks, their respiratory systems might not be able to handle sucking at your breast. In cases like these, it’s essential to start pumping for your twins.
La Leche League International recommends pumping for twins every 2 – 3 hours to mimic a newborn’s natural feeding pattern and to help boost your milk supply. It’s not always easy to make enough milk for twins, so it can also be helpful to find ways of increasing your supply.
Here are some of the most popular suggestions when women need to make more milk:
- Drink plenty of water
- Increase the number of calories you consume each day
- Get enough sleep
- Add more sessions to your pumping schedule
- Consume galactagogues, i.e., fenugreek, thistle, basil
- Try Different Positions for Breastfeeding Twins
Once you’re ready and can start nursing your twins, it’s helpful to find a comfortable position that works well for all three of you. Experiment with different options until you find the right twin breastfeeding positions for your family.
Keep in mind: tandem breastfeeding doesn’t work for every mother, baby, or family. If your twins don’t respond well to tandem feeding, try nursing them one at a time.
- Find Reliable Breastfeeding Support
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Whether you look for breastfeeding experts online like the team at MamaNatal or choose a local in-home lactation consultant near you, it’s crucial to find the breastfeeding support you deserve.
Even in a perfect scenario, breastfeeding is no easy task. Nursing twins, especially preemies, takes things to a whole new complicated level. So before you throw in the towel on breastfeeding twins, find a lactation specialist and see if they can help.
Feeding Premature Babies Doesn’t Have to Be Impossible
If you’ve always dreamed of breastfeeding your little ones, don’t assume that having preterm babies squashed that aspiration. While there might be challenges along the way, not only is it still possible to nurse your twins, but it’s incredibly advantageous for you to do so.
When it comes to breastfeeding premature twins, a bit of extra effort and ingenuity – and the right guidance when needed – can make the experience a roaring success.