Beanitos: The Healthy Chips
This is a sponsored post. As with all the products I blog about, I use them personally and opinions are my own, I was not influenced in any way by the compensation I received.
Love chips? Yeah, me too. In my ever-present battle to stay healthy, chips have most definitely been my Achilles heel. I love all kinds and flavors of chips, but the simple fact remains that when I try to make a conscience effort to eat healthier, my love for chips goes by the wayside. Since it has proven nearly impossible for me to only eat just a few chips or to only have them once-in-a-while, I was at a crossroads: give up chips forever or find a healthier alternative. Much to my delight, I was able to do the latter.
Chips made from beans you say? They can’t possibly taste as good you say? Well, let me make a believer out of you. Beanitos ® are “The Original Bean Chip” ™ and let me tell you, they got it right the first time! From their original black bean chips with sea salt to their nacho cheese flavored white bean chips, you WILL NOT be disappointed! Not only do these chips taste great, but they are much healthier than other brands on the market. Beanitos ® are lower in calories, lower in fat, lower in carbohydrates, lower in sodium, HIGHER in PROTEIN, GLUTEN FREE, and have a CERTIFIED LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX!! You must be asking yourself right now, “Are you kidding me?” Well, guess what…I’M NOT! Try them and judge for yourself; you will not be disappointed. My family actually PREFERS Beanitos ® over many more common brands you see on grocery store shelves every day.
From one mama to others who are concerned about their family’s overall well-being like me, please give Beanitos ® a try. They have many varieties available to suit your tastes. I could not possibly be happier with the discovery of these chips and my family will be enjoying them from now on! I encourage you to do the same!
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