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Barefoot Books : Step Inside a Story

Where would be without books? I know many kids hate reading, but my kids love it. They can never have enough books. My one year gets made (very!!) if you try to take a book away from her. Granted she can’t read, but she loves looking at them. I was very excited when I found Barefoot Books.  Barefoot Books has a huge selection of books for all ages. I got to review three different books from them: Who’s in the Forest, Little Red Riding Hood, and Nursery Rhymes.


My youngest loved Who’s in the Forest and Nursery Rhymes. Clare Beaton’s Nursery Rhymes has many different rhymes in it. Some of which I didn’t even know. The illustrations remind me of patchwork. They are bright and colorful. I liked that the pages are hard so my one year old can carry it around with her and I don’t have to worry about her ripping the pages. Who’s in the Forest is a peepo book. Each page gives you a sneak peek look into the next page. The pages are hard in this book as well which means another book that’s safe for infants and toddlers! The illustrations are bright and colorful. What I like is there is only a sentence on each page. It makes quick and easy to read. My little one doesn’t like to set still for very long, so sometimes it’s hard to get through some books.


Lastly but certainly not the least is Little Red Riding Hood. My older two children loved this book. It’s my oldest daughter’s favorite story and movie. The thing she loved most about this book was the CD. “I don’t need you to read this book to me mommy. I can read it myself!” She’s growing up, but she’s growing up with having passion for reading and books. That makes me one proud momma!


Barefoot Books is a great place to go find new books and still be in the comfort of your home. There site is easy to move around and find whatever book you would want or need!!

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23 thoughts on “Barefoot Books : Step Inside a Story

  1. I would pick The Barefoot Book of Fairy Tales! I am trying to win things to give away at Christmas this year to a Salvation Army tree child. I think this book would fit in with the other things I’ve won so far 🙂 Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  2. I’d choose The Princess and the White Bear King. My neices would like this one. 🙂

  3. great books, so many to chose from..i would like to read I took the moon for a walk to my little guy

  4. I would choose their “Driving My Tractor” book – our little guy would love this one.

  5. Pingback: Barefoot Book Giveaway
  6. Pingback: Barefoot Books Giveaway - Woman of Many Roles
  7. My little guys love when I read to them! Every Wednesday we get our books ready for the week we pick 6 books and each night we read one before bed. We only pick 6 because my oldest has library for preschool and we read that one Tuesday night.
    I have to check out Barefoot books my kids will love them!!

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