Back to School Memories Printable
Crafts Printable School Time!

Back to School Memories Printable

 Back to School Memories PrintableBack to School Memories Printable

School starts in just under a month for us. It’s a bitter sweet moment for me this year. My youngest will be going into preschool. I am kind of nervous, but all three of my kids are very excited!! They have all picked out their back packs and school clothes. Since them going to school this year was a big deal for me I wanted to do something extra special this year. I came up with this cute printable that they can fill out to remember their first day of school. Because I know it will be a moment I won’t forget! I plan to do this each year and keep it in their baby book. I know one day they will appreciate looking back at this papers. After all these moments won’t last forever. 

49 thoughts on “Back to School Memories Printable

  1. Although my youngest grandson is only 2 this would be great for preschool and the earlier grades.

  2. Love this! I remember doing something similar with my daughter in her younger years. She is in high school now but I have a toddler son who will be starting pre-school next year so I just cant wait to get to do stuff like this again!

  3. The printable looks easy to use and can be updated with each new grade. It keeps the school year organized as the child grows, kindof like an updated baby book. I can also see it used as a title page or divider for each grade and then add on infomation like favorite subject and hobbies.

  4. What an awesome printable! The kids will enjoy looking back at these when they get older. Pinned

  5. What a great printable for the start of school! I wish I knew what the school year would look like next year.

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  7. This is an adorable idea. We have something similar from when my kids were little and we love going back and reading them!

  8. Awww – what a wonderful idea! I am sure the kids will appreciate this later in life. It’s always fun looking back on old photos and things we wrote when we were just little ones. Hope their first day goes well 🙂

  9. Pingback: The Mega List for Free Printables – Comfort Spring Station
  10. Cute idea! It would be fun to compare your kid’s answers from year to year. Thanks for sharing at our Merry Monday party.

  11. Pingback: Dani Scherer – Weekend Wandering
  12. Pingback: Weekend Wandering
  13. What a cute idea! Pinned so I can use it with my kiddos this year (one going into 1st grade and one in preschool)! What great memories!

  14. This is a great idea. I am pinning this so I will have it when my kids are old enough to go to school. Thank you.

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