Baby Must Have Products

Baby Banana Brush: Octo-Brush Review/Giveaway

This is a sponsored post.  As with all the products I blog about, I use them personally and opinions are my own, I was not influenced in any way by the compensation I received.

The joys of teething. Such an exciting but stressful time for your little one and you?  Recently I found something that really helps comfort Carly Jo while she is teething her 2-year-old teeth.

octo brush

About Octo-Brush: 

  • Safe, soft and flexible!
  • Gently massages gums
  • Easy to grasp
  • Multiple teasing textures
  • non-allergenic
  • 100% medical grade silicone; dishwasher safe for sanitizing; freezer safe.

octo brush

My Thoughts:

My only regret is that I didn’t find this sooner. Not only is very cute, but also useful. It serves as a toothbrush and teether. It is designed for babies as young as 3 months to use. Carly Jo is almost 2. So I could have gotten several more months out of Octo-Brush. I love how it has tons of different textures which will feel great on your little ones mouth. It also has two handles which makes it easy for them to hold. I mentioned Carly Jo is almost 2 above, but even though she is older she can still get plenty of use out of it. Because it also serves as a tooth-brush and she almost has a mouth full! So even when she’s brushing her teeth (well I am) she will be getting a nice massage. The best part is it is also dishwasher safe, so you know you are getting it nice and clean for your little one to use again. In my book this is a must have!!

Enter bellow for your chance to win your little one an Octo-Brush!

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11 thoughts on “Baby Banana Brush: Octo-Brush Review/Giveaway

  1. When my children were teething I always kept frozen rolled/folded washcloths in the freezer. When they got fussy I simply removed one from the bag and let them chew on it.

  2. Amber necklace!!! My baby was teething horribly (up to 105 degree fever) and would not stop crying for most of the day unless he was sleeping. I bough him an amber necklace the next day and he hasn’t cried since about his gums 😀

  3. Cold teethers and Natural oragel (or clove oil). We used Motrin (over 1) for molars. Those were fun!

  4. I just use plenty of oragel and ice pops depending how old they are. I use to use the water filled teethers that you freeze but they are to cold for them to hold.

  5. I wish I knew some teething tricks! My son does love to brush his teeth while getting his diaper changed 🙂

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