20 Apr, 2024

22below Sub-Zero Koozie

I don’t know about you but I am always on the hunt for a good koozie to keep my can cold especially in the summer when we are outside a lot. When I got the 22 Below kuzie I was so excited to try it. The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. […]

2 mins read


We all know that feeling when you are away from home and you go to start your car and bam it won’t start. So now you have to dig out the jumper cables and start going around asking random people if they would be willing to jump your car. I hated when this would happen […]

3 mins read

Magic Crayon Kit

Do you have a child who is just getting interested in drawing and coloring, if so you should check out this amazingly fun coloring book. Magic Crayon kit isn’t your average coloring book, this is a beautiful and inviting coloring book and guided doodle pad. The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. […]

2 mins read

My Fairy Garden Unicorn Paradise

If you have a child that loves fairies and unicorns then you absolutely need to check out My Fairy Garden Unicorn Paradise.  This thing is so awesome, I got it for my daughter and she loves it in fact I ended up getting her a second one to sit in the other window in here room […]

2 mins read