Activity Books For Everyone #2019WOMRHoliday
If you have kids at home then chances are with the rainy cold weather coming you will often find days where you are stuck inside and they get bored easily. Why turn to electronics when you can invest in some really fun books and activities to help provide fun and a great learning experience. If this is something you are looking for then this review is definitely for you. The below was provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines.

One of my Favorite things to have on hand is In the Home by Fiona Hayes and Christiane Engel. This great kids book provides you with over 15 fun projects you can create out of cardboard. We had to test out some of the projects and we had a blast making planes to fly and then decided to build a cardboard kitchen for my daughter to use to play pretend. This book provides you with projects that are fun to do together, every project in this book is fun, and challenging for kids in a good way. It is definitely one of our favorites in our house.

Another one by the same authors is Vehicles and this one is so much fun also. This book provides you with instructions for building and creating 14 different vehicles from cardboard boxes and any other supplies you want to add or use. We love these because the kids find them fun and it really sparks their imagination. From adding personal touches to what they make to spending hours just playing pretend all together with their creations. These books make great gifts for the holiday season coming up.

Do you have a child in your house the it ready to learn to draw, or learning how to trace and you want something fun for them to use. If so I highly recommend checking out Walter Foster Jr. Creative Team’s Learn to Draw Winnie the Pooh. This book is spiral bound and has 64 pages in it including tracing paper and step-by-step drawing exercises. This book is awesome for any little one learning how to draw and helps them to learn and recognize basic shapes while they are at it. I love this learning tool and love having it around my house for when my friends with little ones visit. I even got these as Christmas gifts this year for my Nieces and Nephews and I’m excited to see how much they love this book. It is high on my list of ones to recommend to anyone looking for some great fun and learning activities for their kids.

Then we also have two watch me read and draw books but Walter Foster Jr. Creative Team that area also absolutely amazing and great to have around for kids. There is Noah’s Ark and also Nativity. Both books feature easy to follow instructions for drawing the story one step at time and has basic shapes making it easier to follow along. We love that throughout the stories, the kids can read along while learning to draw some really neat things that go along with the story. These are so fun and I feel the kids soak up more from these stories when they are doing the activities.

All of these products are fun and amazing and would make great gifts with the holidays coming up. These are great for parent,s Aunt’s & Uncle’s, Grandparents and the kids themselves. It’s always fun to have books on hand if you don’t have kids but have friends an family that do so that when they visit the kids will have something fun and engaging to do.