Parenting Tips/Advice

6 Ways You Can Surprise Your Preggy Friends


The announcement has been made, and you’ve been given the good news that one of the most important people in your life has been blessed with a baby. It’s overwhelming, exciting, and you’re happy for your friend. Your friend is going to be a mom, and you want to help out as much as you can because you consider them dear.


A woman goes through a lot during pregnancy—the new changes in the body, the mood swings, and the general anxiety of giving birth. Fortunately, there are many ways you can help out.


Here are some thoughtful ways you can surprise them.


Hang Out as Much as You Can


With bouts of mood swings coupled with the reality that there may not be much time later to hang out when the baby comes, use this time to be with them. A simple visit or stopping by can greatly improve their mood, but make it a point to ask first before you raid their house. You can also ask them if they need anything, like food.


Treasure these moments because it may be a while before they can socialize again after giving birth. Having a child can be incredibly busy but rewarding, so it makes sense that they may be too busy for company when that time comes. It’s also good to talk, reminisce, and generally strengthen your bond as important people in one another’s life.


Help Her Out


There may be times when her partner may be unavailable because of work or commitments, or she may be happily single, but it’s always a good idea to help her out. There are many ways to do this: chores, groceries, doctor’s appointments, and more. Whatever it is, make sure that you are there whenever she asks for help.


If you’re someone who’s had experience with childbirth or you have a child of your own, you personally know what it’s like to be a parent, so make sure to impart some needed wisdom or knowledge about parenthood. Assure them that some things are normal, and help them set a realistic expectation for the future.


Another way to help her out is to ride out the waves of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, especially considering her condition. It always helps to have a good friend nearby.


Get Pampered Together


Contrary to popular belief, a pregnant woman can indulge in pampering activities, like going to a spa. The key here is to go establishments that cater to pregnant women. If going for a massage, make sure your friend gets the prenatal massage from a licensed therapist since there are pressure points that are off-limits if you’re pregnant.


You and your friend can go for your usual mani and pedi too to help her relax. Take care of going to the spa because she shouldn’t be exposed to harsh chemicals. A steam sauna is off-limits too because of the high temperature. Be sure to run your plans by her health-care provider to ensure that everything goes smoothly.


Throw a Baby Shower


If your pregnant friend is farther along her term, then it’s time to help them prepare for the moment by throwing them a baby shower. You and other mutual friends can collaborate and help out one another since planning and executing a party is no small feat and you need all the help you can get. It helps if the baby shower has a theme to make party favors, cakes, and other things more uniform.


For shower themes for baby boys or baby girls, there are a lot you can find online. If you need help with coming up with your own or you want something general, there are convenient services you can find to help solve that dilemma. While it’s generally pink for girls and blue for boys, you can choose either or another color altogether.


Gift Them a Maternity Shoot


A lot of mothers and mothers-to-be are getting in on this trend because it makes sense to immortalize a moment when they were carrying their child. It’s a good memento that you can treasure forever and something to show their children when they’re all grown up.


This gift can be thoughtful, but it can also be uncomfortable for some, so make sure to check with them first before booking a studio and a photographer.


Those that offer maternity-shoot services are often in collaboration with hair and makeup artists to make sure that pregnant women look and feel at their best. You can brainstorm a theme or look that best encapsulates her personality while keeping it both sentimental and fun.


Pregnancy Body Pillow


As a pregnant body grows to accommodate the growing fetus and more changes in the body, sleeping can get troublesome. A pregnancy body pillow is a thoughtful gift you can give especially if you yourself know how it feels like to sleep with a very pregnant belly. A good night’s sleep is always a welcome gift, so help your friend catch the sleep they will need with this.


Assure Them That You Will Always Be There


Friendship is always a beautiful thing, and there is nothing more rewarding and self-affirming than having someone you trust and wholeheartedly care for say that they will always be there for you. Parenthood is challenging, especially for first-timers, and if you’re a parent, then you know this to be true.


Gift them with the assurance that they can count on you to be there for whatever she needs. Since friendship is a two-way street, there will undoubtedly come a time for her to do the same for you.


Do you have fun and thoughtful ideas to surprise your pregnant friends with? Share tips and advice in the comments below.


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