
5 Tips For Getting Your Nursery Baby-Ready

Do you have a baby on the way? If the answer is yes – and that is likely if you’re reading this blog, then a huge congratulations are in order! Your life is about to change, and for the better. Raising children is one of the most rewarding, challenging, life-affirming tasks any adult can undertake. There is so much to learn that you’re probably in a bit of a tizz at the moment. So let’s get one of the first important things out of the way – getting your nursery ready for baby. We’ll discuss five simple tips to take some of the stress out of the whole process.

Cot or Bassinet?

Before you get ready and head to the baby shop, it is worth having an idea about what sort of bed your baby will sleep in. A bassinet is a great idea if you live in a single-story, as you can move it from room to room – your newborn will do a lot of sleeping in the first few weeks and you will still need to go about your day at home. You could consider upgrading to a cot a bit later on. Or if you want you can get both, and use the bassinet in the other rooms and put them in the cot at night. 

A tip here – while it may be tempting to rely on second-hand cots or hand-me-downs from friends and family, older cots can be dangerously unsafe for babies. Ensure that whatever cot you choose complies with safety regulations so you don’t have to worry about your bub while they sleep. 

Consider a Bouncer or a Rocker Chair

While your newborn will do a lot of sleeping, they will also spend some time awake. It’s a good idea to pop a baby bouncer or a rocker chair in your nursery. This is a chair you can strap your child into and they can bounce or rock away. The motion will be fun for them, as well as helping to soothe them. It will also keep them safe, especially when they begin to be able to roll over or crawl – giving you some peace of mind. This will also enable you to do chores and maintain the house without worrying about where the baby is. 

Baby Monitor

A baby monitor allows you to keep tabs on your baby, especially at night while you try to sleep. You may opt for a sound-only monitor, which will alert you if they start crying or fussing. Yet we recommend a visual monitor because you can see how your child is sleeping and you can go in and correct their sleeping posture if needed. For example, once they start rolling they can risk rolling onto their face and getting in strife. The monitor will allow you to keep your child safe and sound

Toys to Encourage Development 

Once your child grows a bit they will need stimulation to keep them entertained and encourage healthy development. Having some simple toys in your nursery is a great idea. The best sorts of toys for very early development are ones that encourage their sensory development – so toys they can touch, hear and interact with are the best choice.

Painting and Decorating

Finally, consider soft and neutral tones for your wallpaper or paint scheme – you want a soothing and calm environment, not a busy and crowded one. 

A Cradle Conclusion

This makes the walls a great backdrop for hanging cute pictures, family photos, or baby footprint paintings. Your nursery should contain a cot or bassinet for baby to sleep in, and a bouncer or rocker chair. A baby monitor is essential for your child’s safety, and get some toys to encourage healthy development. Finally, ensure your paint scheme or wallpaper is soft and neutral to encourage rest. 

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