Parenting Tips/Advice

5 Things you Should Know about Using a Baby Gate

Choosing baby gates that will properly put together safety and functionality may be a difficult task when it comes to childproofing your house. The list below is a combination of the things you should put into consideration before using a baby gate;

Use at the top and bottom of the staircase

Most people think that installing a baby gate at the top of the staircase is enough, because it prevents the baby from falling down the stairs. Leaving the bottom side of the staircase open also poses risks to your baby. This is because the baby can easily climb up the stairs and fall. Also, ensure that the gates are not installed too high because this creates an entrapment risk. Your baby will automatically want to pass through the space left at the bottom and this is not safe for them.

Use JPMA-certified baby gates

When choosing any kind of baby gate, always ensure that they are certified by JPMA for baby use. This is to ensure safety for your baby because these gates meet the ASTM baby gates standards. Some people modify pet gates for their kids. This is wrong as it doesn’t meet any of these standards and may not be safe for your baby. Always look for the certified ones as they are the best baby gates and you can get the type you want depending on where you want to install them.

Don’t climb over the gates

Always go through the baby gates and avoid climbing over them. Your kid may want to do the same because they may think that it is safe to climb over the gate. Also, you may unintentionally dislodge the gate while going over it. When you have visitors, show them how to use the gate since they may leave them open or climb over them.

Use baby gates to block dangerous rooms

The best way to keep your kid away from dangerous rooms in your house is by installing specialty baby gates. Whether it is the kitchen or fireplace, you can always get baby gates to block off those places. Also, you can install baby gates to block any oddly shaped places in the house and any hearths to improve the safety of your child.  

Choose hardware-mounted gates for the top of the staircase

When installing a baby gate at the top of your staircase, always ensure that they are hardware mounted. This is because they don’t swing open towards the stairs but instead open towards the floor. For the bottom side of the staircase, use pressure gates because if used at the top, they can become tripping hazards and may be dislodged.

To wrap it up…

Baby gates are meant to create a safe home environment for your kid but you if installed wrongly, they may pose greater risks to your kid. Ensure that your baby gate is certified by JPMA and enquire for as much information about installation and purpose before purchasing a baby gate.


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