15 Unique Uses for Baby Wipes #ad #TripleClean @Huggies
I was just asked the other day “Why I still carry baby wipes in my purse when my youngest has been potty trained for awhile?” My answer is pretty simple…kids outgrow diapers and not their messes. Huggies ® Simply Clean ® can be used for SO many other things. You never know when a wipe can come in handy.
- Cleaning Up Stains
- Dust Cloths
- Shining Shoes
- “When I run out of rubbing alcohol, I use wipes to wipe up my mixing surface before working on a test polish to make sure there was no stray dust or glitter.” said Brooke from Aelis is Real Life.
- Removing Makeup
- “As a person with chronic illness I don’t always have the energy to take a shower and my bathtub is too small, so I will wash my hair while sitting on the side of the tub and use baby wipes to wash my body. Since I can’t do much I don’t get sweaty and gross so the wipes are perfect for a sponge bath and gentler on my skin.” One of my friends mentioned to me.
- Wiping Marker Off with Little Hands
- Cleaning Flip Flops on the Go
- Wiping A Spilled Drink in the Car
- Wiping off Necks After Haircut
- Wiping Off Excess Wax After Eyebrow Wax
- Cleaning Out Sticky Stuff in the Car
- Freshening Up After Workout (before heading back to work.)
- Wiping Yourself/Child just to Cool Down a Bit (or when having a fever.)
- Wiping Down Pets Feet Before Getting in Car/House
I couldn’t love Huggies ® Simply Clean ® more!! I have a pack in my purse, car, office, bedroom, and one box floats around the house. They make it easy for me to clean up and easier for m kids to handle clean ups on their own. I only mention 15 above, bu there are so may MORE ways!! Huggies shares a 101 ways to use HUGGIES® Wipes and their new TripleClean* layers wipes. Because Kids Outgrow Diapers, Not Messes!