18 Apr, 2024

House of Doolittle Business Planner & Desk Calender

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. It’s a new year  and that means changing out planners and calendars. Shoplet.com was kind enough to send me a House of Doolittle Business Planner and 2014 Calendar to help me get organized this year. Which is great because as I have stated time and time again I have to be […]

2 mins read

Review: Honest 4 in 1 Laundry Pods

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. I think who every came up with the pods idea was very smart. They make doing laundry a lot easier. About Honest 4 in 1 Laundry Pods: Pure 4-in-1 performance: cleaning + stain fighting + brightening + softening Innovative blend of plant & mineral-based ingredients carefully […]

1 min read

Review: Master Caster #shopletreview

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. The thing I love the most about Shoplet is you can find more than office supplies there. They have a lot of high quality promotional products and even promotional shirts. Some of the great products they have are from Master Caster. They are truly out to make life a lot […]

3 mins read